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Divine Darkness Yoga

Divine Darkness Yoga is a personal philosophy I have developed over the course of my lifetime, and which I continue to develop on my journey to the eventual death of my material body. Divine Darkness is the shadowy depths of your soul, the place so many of us fear to explore. Rather than warring against our inner demons, Divine Darkness Yoga is a system of communication with our inner world which seeks to build and foster self-trust through the honest expression of the parts classically labeled as 'the shadow'. We practice unity of the light and dark parts of ourselves, using meditation and our creative power to speak with our inner selves, and to greet them with the reverence and gratitude they deserve.

My name is Matty Fallux, I am a certified yoga instructor through Yoga Alliance. I have been practicing yoga for most of my life, beginning over thirty years ago with my childhood discovery of meditation and candle gazing. I am a survivor of childhood abuse, and I credit yoga and my inner journeys with teaching me the strength and compassion I have needed to recover from mental illness and begin a journey into lifelong wellness - and now I intend to use what I have learned about surviving and thriving post-trauma to help others find their own path in the darkness.